;United Kingdom-Northern Ireland days ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com ;Only interested in one or a few of the mentioned days? ;You can import one or a few days to your 'organiser', without making the whole chapter active, by pointing with your cursor on that day in the 'special days' window of the PTBSync-program. LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_UK-NorthernIreland.gif ;IMAGE=Holiday_UK-NorthernIreland-1.gif ;(=Ulster Banner, used officially by the former Government of Northern Ireland (1953–1972)) COMMENT=Updated 25 August 2014 \nyearly or regular days limited to Northern Ireland (United Kingdom-common days, England, Scotland & Wales in separate files) \nall days for the entire United Kingdom available in United Kingdom-days MOVE=Always 17.3. =Northern Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day (National Day) ;Note={d} 21.6.>2006 =Northern Ireland, #2006th Day of Private Reflection* ;Note=1st 2007 {d} 11.7. =Northern Ireland, 11th Night/Bonfire Night* ;Note=precursor to The 12th (Battle of the Boyne) {d} 12.7. =Northern Ireland, Battle of the Boyne Day (#1690 years ago), Orangemen’s Day ;Note=anniversary of the Battle (OS) 01.7.1690 (NS) 11.7.1690 {d} 31.8.-1Mo =Ballycastle, Ould Lammas Fair* ;Note=last Monday & Tuesday August {m} 31.8.-1Mo+1Dy =Ballycastle, Ould Lammas Fair* ;Note=last Monday & Tuesday August {m} ;Quarter Days 25.3. =Northern Ireland, Quarter Day (Lady Day)** ;Note=4 dates in each year on which servants were hired, rents & rates were due, … {d} 24.6. =Northern Ireland, Quarter Day (Midsummer Day)** ;Note=4 dates in each year on which servants were hired, rents & rates were due, … {d} 29.9. =Northern Ireland, Quarter Day (Michaelmas)** ;Note=4 dates in each year on which servants were hired, rents & rates were due, … {d} 25.12. =Northern Ireland, Quarter Day (Christmas)** ;Note=4 dates in each year on which servants were hired, rents & rates were due, … {d} ;The PTBSync holiday files are maintained by dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com ;On http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ you find a library of additional files for PTBSync ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.royal.gov.uk/RoyalEventsandCeremonies/Overview.aspx ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_Kingdom